sound lock怎么用
sound lock怎么用
英 [saund lɔk] 美 [saʊnd lɑk]
声闸 声锁 锁定电脑最大电量
At the sound of the lock being turned, the captain stepped forward. 一听到锁的转动声,船长就立刻一步跨世上前去
sound lock is the best method 锁定电脑的最大音量是最好的方法。
It also uses 械斤载急罗军"adaptive filtering" technology, where electronic filters lock onto s言氢维体款第操元ound wave点s and remo没迅基合赵层厂马ve them, ev互喜吧哥样en if the wave'希着探和振林s amplitude and frequency change as the drill is being us粉投ed. 该设备还采用了“适应滤波技术”。 即便声波的振幅和频率在牙钻使用之时发生了变化,电子滤波器仍能锁定声波并将其转移。
Turning his head at 初他困世素察映the sound of familiar footsteps, the grad student realiz此草旧蒸盐聚室es that he did not prop刑渐erly lock the bathroom door. 听到熟悉的脚步声,博士生转过头,意识到自己没有锁好门。
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