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2024-11-03 11:27 来源:冷丁网 点击:


After the man checked out, he began to remove his mask while in the process of leaving the store. The woman, identified as Elizabeth H. Mach, 45, rammed her shopping cart into the man’s cart as he was doing this. Mach told the man to put his mask back on since he wasn’t out of the store yet. The man ignored her, but Mach continued, yelling, “I am a schoolteacher and I have COVID-19”. Then she took off her mask and spit in his face, reports said.


而反对戴口罩的一方,也有他的道理,"They believe that they are omnipotent, that nobody can touch them, that they are immune to disease, or crime, or any kind of potential frailty".



omnipotent /ɒmˈnɪpətənt/adj. 无所不能的;全能的相信大家都认识potent这个单词,表示“有效的,有能力的”。而加上前缀omni之后,就变成了“全能的”。所以呢,相信大家也都能猜出来了,omni这个前缀就表示“全”。omni来源于拉丁语,表示“全部”。所以呢,在英语里,出现omni开头的单词,大多数都跟“全”有关系。例如omnivore, omniscient, omnipresent, 分别来看一下吧。

omnivore /ˈɒmnɪvɔːr/

n. 杂食动物;不偏食的人

Pigs are omnivores, so they would be just as happy eating an apple, or the worm inside the apple.



omniscient /ɒmˈnɪsiənt/

adj. 全知的;无所不知的

Google's omniscient data-gathering network is incredible.


omnipresent /ˌɒmnɪˈpreznt/

adj. 无所不在的,无处不在的

The sound of sirens is an omnipresent background noise in New York.
