神舟十四号载人飞船返回舱成功着陆China's Shenzhou-14 astronauts return safely, accomplishing many "firsts"
Shenzhou-14's return capsule, carrying astronauts Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe, touched down at the Dongfeng landing site in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region at 8:09 p.m. Beijing Time on Sunday, according to the China Manned Space Agency.
The astronauts were all in good physical condition, and the Shenzhou-14 manned mission was a complete success, the agency announced.
The return capsule separated from Shenzhou-14's orbiting capsule at 7:20 p.m. on Sunday under the command of the Beijing Aerospace Control Center.
Soon after the return capsule landed, the ground search team arrived at the landing site. Medical personnel confirmed that the astronauts were in good health.
The three astronauts went to the space station on June 5. They completed multiple tasks during their mission, including overseeing five rendezvous-and-dockings, performing three extravehicular activities, giving a live science lecture, and conducting several sci-tech experiments.
The Shenzhou-14 astronauts helped accomplish many "firsts" in China's space history, including the first rendezvous and docking between two 20-tonne-level spacecraft and the first in-orbit transposition of a space station module.
They are the first crew to enter the space station's two lab modules, and they set a record of making three spacewalks on a single flight mission.
They also helped realize the world's fastest automated rendezvous and docking of the cargo craft Tianzhou-5 with the space station in about two hours.
The trio conducted an in-orbit rotation with the Shenzhou-15 crew, a historic gathering that added the workforce at the in-orbit space station to six for the first time.
天舟五号货运飞船 cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-5
载人宇宙飞船 manned spaceship
梦天实验舱 Mengtian space lab module
天宫空间站 Tiangong space station
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