vacation 和 vocation的区别
vacation 和 vocation的区别
vacation 和 vocation的区别
Vocation : 名词
If you have a vocation, you have a strong feeling that you are especially suited to do a particular job or to fulfill a particular role in life, especially one that involves helping other people.
1. His vocation is banking.
2. Financing is our family-vocation.
3. What is your vocation?
If you refer to your job or profession as your vocation, you feel that you are particularly suited to it.
Her vocation is her work as a neurosurgeon.
Vacation : 名词
A vacation is a period of time during which you relax and enjoy yourself away from home.
They planned a late summer vacation in Europe.
A vacation is a period of the year when schools, universities, and colleges are officially closed.
During his summer vacation he visited Russia.
Our winter vacation begins today.
If you have a particular number of days' or weeks' vacation, you do not have to go to work for that number of days or weeks.
The French get five to six weeks' vacation a year.
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