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​in的真正含义是什么英文单词 in的英语意思是什么

2024-02-19 22:58 来源:冷丁网 点击:

in的真正含义是什么英文单词 in的英语意思是什么







1.at a point within an area or space 在某一点(某范围内或者空间内的)

a country in Africa. 在非洲的一个国家。

The kids were playing in the street. 孩子们在街上玩。

I read about it in the paper.我是在报纸上读到这事的。

2.within the shape of sth ;surrounded by 在(某物的形体或范围内)中,在…中

& She was lying in bed. 她躺在床上

& Leave the key in the lock. 把钥匙留在锁孔里。

3.into sth 进入

& He dipped his brush in the paint. 他把毛刷在涂料里沾了沾。

&She got in her and drove off. 她钻进汽车,开走了。

4.forming the whole or part of sth /sb ;contained within sth /sb .构成…的整体(或部分);包含在…之内。

&There are 31 day in may . 在五月有31天。

&All the painting in the collection . 收藏品中所有的画作。

5.during a period of time 在(某段时间)内

&in the 18 th century . 在十八世纪

&in spring /summer/autumn/winter

&in the morning / afternoon / evening

&I’m getting forgetful in my old age . 我现在上了年纪,变得健忘了。

6,after a particular length of time 在(某段时间)之后

&to return in a few minutes / hours / days / months 几分钟 几小时几天几个月后回来。

&She learnt to drive in three weeks . 她花了三个星期就学会了开车。

7,used in negative sentences or after first ,last ,etc (用与否定句或first , last之后等之后) 在(某段时间)内

&I have not see him in yeas . 我有好些年没有见过他了。

&It’s the first letter I have had in ten years . 这是我十年来收到的第一封信。

8,wearing sth . 穿着;戴着

&the man in the hat 戴着帽子的男人。

&She was all in back . 她穿着一身黑。

9,used to describe physical surroundings. (用来描述具体的环境)

&We went out in the rain . 我们冒着雨出去。

&He was sitting alone in the darkness 他独自在黑暗中。

10,used to show a state or condition (用表示状态或状况)

&I’m in love . 我恋爱了。

&The house is in good repair . 这房子装修的不错。

&I must put my affairs in order . 我必须整理整理我的事务。

&a man in his thirties . 以为三十多岁的男子。

11,involved in sth ; taking part in sth 参与,参加

12,used to show sb’s job or profession (显示工作或职业)

&He is in the army .他在军队服役。

&She is in computers . 她从事计算机业。

&in business / politics 从商,从政。

13,used to show the form ,shape ,arrangement or quantity of sth (显示某物的形式,形状,安排,数量)

&a novel in three parts . 分为三部的小说。

&Roll it up in a boll . 把它卷成一个球。

&They sat in rows . 他们一排一排的坐着。

&People flocked in their thousands to see her . 现场聚集了数以千计的人争相,目睹她的风采。

14,used to show the language ,material ,etc (表示使用的语言,材料等)

&Say it in English . 用英语说吧

&She wrote in pencil . 他用铅笔写的。

&He spoke in a loud voice . 他大声说话。

15,concerning sth 关于,在…方面。

&She was not lacking in courage . 她并不缺乏勇气。

&a country rich in minerals . 矿藏丰富的国家。

&three meters in length . 三米长。





