名家名伶-倪惠英 (汉语、英语)
名家名伶-倪惠英 (汉语、英语)
倪惠英(1956— ),女,演员。1987年被评为一级演员。籍贯湖北。1970年入广州粤剧团学艺,打下扎实的艺术基础,逐渐成长为当家花旦。她唱腔清脆、圆润、明亮,甜美,表演细腻传神。先后主演《杨门女将》、《家》等数十个剧目。20世纪70年代中期,倪惠英以主演现代剧《红色娘子军》一举成名。1981年获广东省粤剧“百花奖”最佳女演员奖。1990年录制的《定情剑底女儿香》 “剑归来”一曲获中国第二届金唱片奖,1991年、1993年在第四、五届广东省艺术节中,她主演新编古代剧《南越王后》、现代剧《蓝土地》,均获表演一等奖。1995年在广东国际艺术节演出《睿王与庄妃》中饰庄妃,获表演一等奖。1997年在第五届中国戏剧节上,倪惠英在现代剧《土缘》中,成功塑造阿凤这女青年农民形象,获优秀表演(主角)奖。同年她获第十四届“中国戏剧梅花奖”。1990年广州市文化局等单位举办“倪惠英演唱会”,开粤剧青年演员举办“个唱”的先河。2000年,广州市文化局等单位主办“倪惠英从艺三十周年艺术专场”演出。 倪惠英享受国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴,担任广州粤剧团团长。她是中共十四大代表、第十届全国人民代表大会代表,曾当选中共广州市委候补委员。1992年被广州市政府授予“广州市十大杰出青年”称号。
Ni Huiying (倪惠英. 1956-) is an actress. In 1987, she was rated as the National Class-A Actress. Herancestral home is in Hubei Province. In 1970, she joined Guangzhou CantoneseOpera Group to study performance and gradually became the mainstay huadan(young belle) actress. She is known for her melodious voice and vividperformance. She has acted in several operas, including Female Generals of theYang Family and Home. In the middle of 1970s, Ni gained overnight fame for herstarring in the modern opera Red Detachment of Women. In 1981, she won the BestActress of Guangdong Cantonese Opera Hundred Flowers Award. She received the2nd China Gold Record Award for the tune titled "Jian Gui Lai (剑归来)" in Mei Anxiang (1990). At the 4th and the 5thGuangdong Art Festival that were held in 1991 and 1993 respectively, she wasrewarded the First Prize of Performance for her starring in The Nanyue Queen, ahistorical opera adaptation and in Revolution Tide in the Fishing Village, amodern-themed opera. In 1995, she won the first prize in Performance acting asthe heroine in King Rui and Concubine Zhuang at the Guangdong International ArtFestival. At the 5th China Opera Festival in 1997, Ni won the Award forOutstanding Performance (Leading Role) as she successfully shaped the character,Ah Feng, a young farmer in Earth, a modern-themed Cantonese Opera. It was inthe same year when she won the 14th Plum Performance Award. In 1990, the thenCultural Bureau of Guangzhou Municipality, among other organizations, organized"Ni Huiying's Concert". It was the first time ever for a youngCantonese opera performer to hold a concert of his or her own. In 2000,"Ni Huiying's Special Performance: the 30th Anniversary of StageCareer" was held. Ni was granted special government allowances of theState Council (a grant to show the government's encouragement and respect forprofessionals). She now serves as head of Guangzhou Cantonese Opera Group. Shewas also the deputy to the 14th National Congress of the CPC and to the 10thNational People's Congress and was elected as an Alternate Member of GuangzhouMunicipal Party Committee. In 1992, she was awarded the title of "10 MostOutstanding Youths of Guangzhou" by the local government.
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